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Tu cuerpo es tu hogar

Nosotres te ayudamos a sentirte en casa


En armonía contigo

Entendemos que tu cuerpo y tu mente son tu casa, y que cuidar de ese hogar puede parecer imposible entre tantas metas y responsabilidades. Estamos aquí para ofrecerte algo que sí funciona. Por eso, te traemos respuestas honestas, sin miras a venderte una imagen idealizada de en qué te puedes convertir (porque tal y como eres tienes mucho que ofrecer). Nosotrxs nos hemos dado a la tarea de hacer de la salud y el bienestar a largo plazo algo a lo que te puedes empezar a acostumbrar. Nuestro método es sencillo: trabajar la salud física y mental a la vez para una vida más plena y en armonía con el medioambiente.


Del corazón...

"Victoria is an incredibly knowledgeable, warm and inviting instructor. She prioritizes what our bodies and minds need and allows us to push our boundaries when we feel comfortable doing so. I enjoy listening to her instruction and feel no judgment, only comfort. Victoria invites us to show love and give movement to the parts of ourselves that are usually overlooked or not thought of and at the end of a session my body feels as though it is physically thanking me."


"Tuve el placer de tomar el taller de estiramiento trauma-consciente con Victoria hace un mes y definitivamente repetiría la experiencia. A mí me encanta la yoga y tomé clases de baile por mucho tiempo, y estirarme es una de mis actividades de self-care favoritas. Pero esto fue una experiencia diferente. El taller me ayudó a conectarme y a comunicarme más con mis emociones al mismo tiempo que me conectó con mi cuerpo. Tuve la oportunidad de darme espacio de sentir realmente lo que mi cuerpo aguantaba (no sólo son nudos o inflamación - siempre hay un aspecto emocional para cada síntoma). Con toda honestidad, recomiendo el taller, ya sea para aprender a estirarte sin lastimarte, o como una herramienta para conocerte y conectar con tu cuerpo y tus sentimientos. Five stars."



"In the context of yoga, we often hear the same refrain: “Yoga is for all bodies.” Yet from my experience, there are very few teachers who embody this principle in their daily practice. In this sense, Victoria is a treasure. Her classes are truly for all bodies, regardless of race, gender identification, sexual orientation, ability to pay, or level of experience in the practice. With each class, she masterfully combines a respect and understanding for the extraordinarily rich cultural roots of yoga, with an unwavering commitment to ensuring that every one of her students feels safe, grounded, and welcome in their practice. Having benefitted from Victoria’s guidance in my own practice, one word comes to mind: acceptance. She encourages her students to enter a class with no expectations or self-judgment, as she welcomes them to explore every part of themselves. This includes those parts that we regularly suppress due to shame and fear, as a natural response to past traumas. Rightfully acknowledging that healing, self-love, and acceptance often don’t arise overnight, she provides actionable steps to achieve both — through movement, through breath work, and through allowing her students to feel and accept whatever emotions might arise. Finally, Victoria is an individual who practices what she preaches. Ever eager to grow as both a teacher and human being, she consistently models self-love, as well as acceptance and love for others in her own approach to yoga and life itself. I am truly grateful for her wisdom, guidance, acceptance, and friendship, and I believe there are few more well-suited to molding the next generation of yogis today."




Síguenos @meditatingmango

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